Intelligent Thinking
A jobless man applied for the position of "office boy" at Microsoft.
The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.
"You are employed." He said." Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start."
The man replied "But I don't have a computer, neither an email."
I'm sorry", said the HR manager, "If you don't have an email, that means you do not exist. And who doesn't exist, cannot have the job."
The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate. He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital.
He repeated the Operation three times, and returned home with $60.
The man realized that he can survive by this Way, and started to go everyday earlier, and return late Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.
5 years later , the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US .
He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.
He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan. When the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him his email. The man replied, "I don't have an email". The broker answered curiously, "You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an email?!!"
The man thought for a while and replied, "Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!"
Moral of the story:
M1 - Internet is not the solution to your life.
M2 - If you don't have internet, and work hard, you can be a millionaire.
M3 - If you received this message by email, you are closer to being an office boy, than a millionaire. .........
Have a great day!!!
Pls Note: - Do not try to contact me through email as I'm closing all my email addresses and going to sell tomatoes!!!
Smiling after reading is not mandatory!!! !
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Intelligent Thinking
Posted by Meenu Khare at 1:46 PM 4 comments
Labels: email, Humor, insurance, Intelligent Thinking, Internet, IT HUMOR, Microsoft, millionaire, Smiling, tomato
Friday, December 26, 2008
Amazing Medical Implants:science fiction becoming a reality
Top 5 amazing medical implants
Plugging a heart into the wall, implanting radioactive seeds, and using hydraulics to create erections, medical implants are advancing at an astounding pace.
What once seemed like far-fetched science fiction is now fast becoming a reality. We picked our top five amazing implants. Here they are in descending order.5. Radioactive seed implants
Radioactive seed implants, also called brachytherapy, is used to treat early stage prostate cancer.
Small rice-sized radioactive seeds are implanted into the prostate by using a tube-like needle. The radioactive emissions from the seeds attack the tumour in a similar way to external radiation.
The radiation usually only travels for a very short distance, and does not adversely affect the area around the prostate, as can radiotherapy.
It is a bit like sneaking a bomb into enemy territory.
4. Bionic eye
Until recently, the ability to restore sight was just not something we could get right. But that seems to be changing. There are a number of amazing techniques in the pipeline, but the bionic eye makes our list for its glittering sci-fi appeal.
A grid of electrodes is surgically planted into the eye to form an artificial retina. But this retina does not see by itself: a small camera is mounted on a special pair of glasses. The information is then processed by a small computer, and wirelessly transmitted to the artificial retina.
As yet, these bionic eyes are only delivering very poor and rudimentary vision. But, this is the kind of technology that can only get better.
3. Deep brain stimulation
With deep brain stimulation, electrodes are implanted into particular areas of the brain. From here, wires run under the skin to a neurostimulator implanted in the chest.
The technique has been used with some success for Parkinson’s disease and is being put on trial as a treatment for depression. Exactly why electrical pulses may send your blues packing is still unknown.
In whatever way it works, an implant that regulates your mood sounds so sci-fi that it was always going to make our list.
2. 2. Hydraulic penal implants
When medication fails to get rid of erectile dysfunction, the next step may well be a penile implant.
Hydraulic penile implants consist of three main parts: two cylinders that are implanted into the penis, a pump implanted into the scrotum, and a fluid reservoir in the lower abdomen.
When a man wants an erection, he simply uses the pump to pump liquid into the cylinders, which makes them expand, and the penis erect. There are some risks associated with implanting these devices. But they do have a remarkably good satisfaction rate. This one makes our list for the innovative way in which it applies simple engineering principles inside the body.
1. Heart pumps
Imagine you are feeling a bit tired. You feel light-headed, and your heart is struggling. You sit down, plug yourself into the wall socket, and soon everything clears up and your heart is beating normally again.
So-called heart pumps help the hearts of certain heart failure patients pump more blood. Effectively, these pumps take over the work of one or two of the lower heart ventricles.
The implanted pump is powered by batteries which are carried outside the body. And in some cases, patients can power their pumps by plugging them directly into a wall socket.
A truly artificial heart may still be very far off, but heart pumps already represent one of the most amazing ways in which life can be extended.
Posted by Meenu Khare at 1:20 PM 1 comments
Labels: amazing medical implants, Bionic eye, brain stimulation, Heart pumps, hydraulics, interesting, radioactive seeds, science fiction is now fast becoming a reality
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Train Your Brain
The brain needs care just like any other part of the body – but when was the last time you set aside some time to flex your frontal lobe? A study funded by National Institute of Health scientists found that memory, reasoning and processing speed can be improved by fairly simple ‘brain training’ in very little time. Moreover, they found that cognitive improvements persisted for at least five years.
After the age of about 30, the brain’s ability to function begins to deteriorate. Just like the rest of us, things move slower and begin to deteriorate. It’s important to keep yourself sharp, and traditional activites aren’t usually enough to do it. Even if you have an intellectually challenging job, are an avid reader, and play chess, you’re still going to be neglecting certain parts of the brain. And most of us do a lot less than that. Enter
Lumosity is a scientifically designed ‘brain training program’ based on the concept of neuroplasticity - the brain’s ability to learn and physically adapt given appropriate stimuli. Lumosity’s brain games and exercises are engineered to train and improve your memory, attention, processing speed, and cognitive control. And better yet, they’re fun! Why melt your brain playing crap like Grand Theft Auto, training yourself to think and act like a criminal, when you can have a good time literally boosting your IQ.
The development and testing of the games were guided by some of the leading scientists in neuroscience, cognitive psychology and bioinformatics – and they work. Lumosity’s program has been shown to improve memory and attention in randomized, controlled clinical trials. And the site isn’t just a free for all. They have well crafted progams that guide you through short ten minute ‘workouts’, explain what the games do, and track your progress.
Here are examples of some of the games:
Monster Garden - Area of Cognition: Memory
Monster Garden improves your memory and attention with a spatial memory task. As your spatial and working memory improves, you will be able to navigate through progressively harder levels.
Word-Bubbles- Area of Cognition: Processing Speed
Word Bubbles was designed to train and improve your processing speed and word-finding ability. The brain’s speed of processing is an important factor determining how quickly a person can think, take in sensory information, or conduct other cognitive processes such as remembering or comprehending language.
Birdwatching - Area of Cognition: Attention
Birdwatching improves attention and the ability to process visual information. These abilities are important in many everyday activities including driving and playing sports. The task gets progressively more challenging to accommodate your improvements in visual attention and processing speed.
Lost in Migration - Area of Cognition: Cognitive Control
Lost in Migration is designed to train and improve your cognitive control and reaction time. This task focuses on supressing your automatic - almost reflexive - responses, helping you stay focused on the greater goal.
Mental health is an important as physical health. One is meaningless without the other. What use is a Vitruvian body, without a Vitruvian mind? I recommend giving it a try while the service is still free. As they say… use it or lose it folks.
Posted by Meenu Khare at 1:06 PM 9 comments
Labels: Attention, Birdwatching, Bubbles.Cognitive Control, Memory, Migration, Monster, Processing Speed, Train Your Brain
Saturday, December 13, 2008
e-Toon (Smiling is not mandatory)
Posted by Meenu Khare at 2:39 PM 7 comments
Labels: e-Toon, email, entertaining, HELP, interesting, IT HUMOR, Smiling is not mandatory
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Satellite Internet
As Internet traffic continues to grow at exponential rates worldwide, Internet services providers (ISPs) everywhere are faced with the challenge of keeping up with demand for network bandwidth and developing creative solutions for squeezing more use out of existing bandwidth.
Satellite communication has the unique ability to deliver bandwidth exactly where and when it is needed, irrespective of geography and local infrastructure.
Depending on the location and needs, Internet via Satellite is the best method for either by-passing or extending the terrestrial fiber optic network.
Internet via Satellite is therefore becoming the natural high speed transport medium for a wide range of IP and multimedia applications the world over, whether for consumer or business applications - and at speeds of 2 Mbit/s per user for Internet access and at up to 40Mbit/s per transponder for services such as data broadcasting.
How do you access the Internet other than dial-up if you live too far from a phone company office for DSL and there is no cable TV on your street? Satellite Internet access may be worth considering. It's ideal for rural Internet users who want broadband access.
Satellite Internet does not use telephone lines or cable systems, but instead uses a satellite dish for two-way (upload and download) data communications. Upload speed is about one-tenth of the 500 kbps download speed. Cable and DSL have higher download speeds, but satellite systems are about 10 times faster than a normal modem.
Firms that offer or plan to offer two-way satellite Internet include StarBand, Pegasus Express, Teledesic and Tachyon. Tachyon service is available today in the United States, Western Europe and Mexico. Pegasus Express is the two-way version of DirecPC.
Two-way satellite Internet consists of:
* * Approximately a two-foot by three-foot dish
* * Two modems (uplink and downlink)
* * Coaxial cables between dish and modem
The key installation planning requirement is a clear view to the south, since the orbiting satellites are over the equator area. And, like satellite TV, trees and heavy rains can affect reception of the Internet signals.
Two-way satellite Internet uses Internet Protocol (IP) multicasting technology, which means up to 5,000 channels of communication can simultaneously be served by a single satellite. IP multicasting sends data from one point to many points (at the same time) by sending data in compressed format. Compression reduces the size of the data and the bandwidth. Usual dial-up land-based terrestrial systems have bandwidth limitations that prevent multicasting of this magnitude.
Some satellite-Internet service still requires you to have a dial-up or cable modem connection for the data you send to the Internet. The satellite data downlink is just like the usual terrestrial link, except the satellite transmits the data to your computer via the same dish that would allow you to receive a Pay-Per-View television program.
So, if you are in a rural area and you want broadband access to the Internet, satellite Internet may be for you!
Posted by Meenu Khare at 8:00 PM 7 comments
Labels: broadband, entertaining, Internet, Internet traffic, meenu khare, rural area. IP and multimedia Interesting, Satellite, Satellite communication
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Is HIV beating the scientists?
After two decades of research into an HIV vaccine, there comes a bleak message from one of those leading the hunt.
Professor David Baltimore, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, said that while efforts are continuing, there is "little hope" of success.
"In 1984, we were told that as the virus had been found, a vaccine should be just around the corner," he said.
"But we are no closer to a vaccine now than we were then."
This plunge in scientific morale follows the collapse, last year, of a massive vaccine experimental vaccine project.
It quickly became obvious that, despite 10 years of hard work, and millions of dollars spent, the jab offered zero protection in the real world.
Elsewhere, however, the mood is far less downbeat.
Professor Quentin Sattentau, working on a vaccine at Oxford University, said that while realism was important, a breakthrough could still come quickly.
"Of course, it's possible that we will never find a vaccine for HIV. But that doesn't mean that we should stop looking.
"We are making small steps all the time, and we can never predict what science will discover at any moment."
HIV is quite unlike other viruses which have fallen to the vaccine-makers over the past two centuries.
It has a remarkable ability to disguise itself against the body's defences, constantly changing to avoid detection.
This means that vaccines which rely on using a recognisable part of the virus to prime the immune system can be ineffective almost as fast as they enter the body.
"This variability is the biggest problem - it's much faster, for example, than influenza," said Professor Sattentau.
Another problem is its lethal nature. Normally science can learn from the survivors of a viral infection, but in HIV, although some live with the virus for decades, there are no reliable reports of anyone managing to clear it from their bodies entirely.
To focus entirely on vaccine would ignore the massive strides made in HIV treatments - the latest crop of antiretroviral drugs offer the prospect of almost normal lifespan for some patients.
However, as research published only this week showed, they cannot fully purge the virus from the body.
Simple method
Despite the remaining glimmers of hope from other vaccine projects, some HIV experts have welcomed Professor Baltimore's comments.
Deborah Jack, the chief executive of the National Aids Trust, which lobbies governments for more research funding into HIV vaccines, said that there was no reason to give up hope.
"What we have to remember is that it took 47 years to produce a polio vaccine, and 42 years to make one for chickenpox.
"There are currently 30 trials into vaccines running at the moment around the world, and even if they fail, we will learn more about HIV from them."
And Lisa Power, from the Terrence Higgins Trust, said that hype from pharmaceutical companies and other about the prospects for a vaccines risked drawing attention away from the only practical methods available today to those at risk of infection.
"I would commend him on his comments," she said. "We need to balance the hopes for the future with what we can do now.
"Many people would welcome an injection which would allow them to have unprotected sex for the rest of their lives, but unfortunately it's not happening in the real world.
"Safe sex, testing and treatment - these are the ways to prevent its spread," she said.
"The good news is that HIV is starting to lose - but it's going to be trench warfare, taking ground patient by patient.
Courtesy: Martin Hutchinson,BBC News
Posted by Meenu Khare at 4:59 PM 2 comments
Labels: BBC, HIV, National Aids Trust, scientists, Terrence Higgins Trust, vaccine
Monday, December 1, 2008
Living Positively: Vennila’s Story
Vennila, 29, is from a small village in Tamil Nadu, in southern India. Seven years ago, she found out she had HIV. Since then, she has learned to live “positively,” and with guidance from EngenderHealth, she has become a master trainer in HIV treatment education and counseling and a role model for her peers. Here, Vennila describes her journey…
In 2001, my husband became very sick. He was tested and found to be HIV-positive. The doctors asked me and my son to take the test too. I tested positive, but my son was negative. I did not know about HIV, and when they told me I had it, I thought it was some kind of blood group. But then during counseling, they explained HIV and what it does to the body—that is when I understood the reality of living with HIV. I was in complete shock, and even before I could understand the implications, my husband passed away. It only took two months. In that time of sadness, there was one comfort—that my son’s HIV status was negative.
My parents were educated, and they were aware of HIV and AIDS. Fortunately, they were very understanding. But after the death of my husband, my in-laws were not supportive. They were not willing to share property with me and my son. I took shelter in my parents’ home, and up to now they continue to support me. I have not seen my in-laws since.
For me, the biggest challenge was accepting my own HIV status. After my husband’s death, I thought there was no point in living. My son was my only hope and the only reason I had to continue to live. My mother, who is my biggest strength and support, motivated me to get better. She wanted me to be strong so that I could make my own living. I volunteered with a nongovernmental organization as an outreach worker, providing service for people living with HIV. In 2003, when I heard of a support group of people living with HIV, I joined them. This was a moving experience, I made friends with others who were HIV-positive, and I felt that I was not alone. Then I became part of the first consortium to help carry out the government’s treatment program. As I was a good speaker, they chose me to be a peer treatment counselor.
In early 2006, I was trained by EngenderHealth as a “master trainer” in their workshop for counselors and social workers on antiretroviral treatment. I also took part in a follow-up training in 2007. The workshops were in my mother tongue, Tamil, which made it easier to understand and helped all of us participating to better support clients visiting our center. We learned to improve our counseling on antiretroviral treatment, adherence, side effects, resistance, and positive living. The follow-up session helped us understand opportunistic infections and treatment. The knowledge I gained from EngenderHealth’s trainings helps me give the best possible guidance to people living with HIV. They also made me address my own treatment adherence and helped me attain a better quality of life. Being a role model means that I should practice what I preach.
My aspirations are high; I am hopeful that one day I will see my son graduating from college—it is this aspiration that keeps me going. Living with HIV has given me confidence. I have been open about my HIV status and have even traveled abroad for conferences. Before becoming HIV-positive, I was a simple village woman—my house and my family were my boundaries, and nothing existed beyond them. My life with HIV has taught me to move beyond these boundaries. While taking care of my son, I am also able to help others who are HIV-positive to live healthy lives.
Courtesy: EngenderHealth India
For more information people can contact-:
Posted by Meenu Khare at 3:01 PM 3 comments
Labels: AIDS, counseling, EngenderHealth, HIV, HIV-positive, Living Positively, master trainer, role model, southern India, status, STIs, support, Tamil Nadu, Vennila